[Jan. 7th, 2021|01:07 pm] |
Meet the new boss:
Hārvarda Universitātē ieguvis maģistra grādu sabiedrības vadībā ar specializāciju līderībā. Swedbank Korporatīvo attiecību pārvaldes vadītājs. Zatlera Reforu partijā.
"Ieklausīšanās speciālistos un vakcinācija būs izšķiroša, lai mēs atgrieztos pie ierastā dzīves ritma."
Now back to work everyone, if you have any. |
[Jan. 7th, 2021|06:55 pm] |
strikes me the world is a bundle of conspiracies: any attempt to understand a grand design will suffer from a lack of understanding of the occulted (naturally). It is class war, but there are maybe, I don't know 42 classes, and we here in classes 3 to 4 just hear the clashes in the heavens or the depths and have to try to divine some meaning. I mean horned men in the senate as Mars enters Taurus or Central Banks being cursed by blockchain and dissolving with nation states into the meticulously stage-managed theatrical production of the Brave New World, where, in some twist of plot the forelock-tugging-to-the experts peasantry (Class 1 as they are now known) find something about themselves (somebody's will) in a glorious scene that heralds in a slightly new course of events that Class Number 37 will benefit a bit from. Until the next round of pathogens or currencies, or types of town planning, or sexual relations, or words. |