brookings - May 6th, 2020 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 6th, 2020

Svīnējām Beltane ar jaunāko meitu [May. 6th, 2020|10:34 am]
Bija jauki: liesmas tasni stiepās augšā, mēness fonā. Tas varētu kaut ko nozīmē - kā interpunkcija vismaz (nākāma dienā bija jāpļauj zāli). Man patik svinēt Nov 5 arī, kad visas lapas ir nokritušas.
Atbildēju uz meitas jautājumiem ar apgalvojumu, ka viņas senči arī būtu atzīmējuši šo periodu ar ugunskuriem, bet - protams es nezinu.

Vai tagad tie pagan dievi atgrieztos ar i-phone?

"See, they return; ah, see the tentative
Movements, and the slow feet,
The trouble in the pace and the uncertain

See, they return, one, and by one,
With fear, as half-awakened;
As if the snow should hesitate
And murmur in the wind,
and half turn back;
These were the "Wing'd-with-Awe,"

Gods of the wingèd shoe!
With them the silver hounds,
sniffing the trace of air!

Haie! Haie!
These were the swift to harry;
These the keen-scented;
These were the souls of blood.

Slow on the leash,
pallid the leash-men!"
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