brookings - January 21st, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 21st, 2019

England [Concise Rant] [Jan. 21st, 2019|01:39 pm]
The mendacious mindfuck being made manifest in England has a personal sadness for me. You see, I made the mistake in the polite company of old friends of saying "yeah, but some things Tommy Robinson says are right'. Will I ever make it right with them?

Tommy Robinson is a (see the Guardian - who couldn't join the dots). He gets money from them. He wore a badge saying 'I am a'. He became politicized for demonstrating against muslims who spat at returning British soldiers. He became a public figure (got a role on the public stage). He formed the English Defence League, and in one of his first TV appearances he burned a Nazi flag. He talked about Muslim rape gangs and most people thought he was vile and crazy. Later, when the truth came out, the Labour MP for one of the affected cities, said, "yeah it is true. we have a problem with Pak...... M....m men raping English girls'. The Labour Party hate her. She has 24-hour police protection.

The soldiers who were spat at had returned from Iraq. This was a war started by NeoConservatives. What do Z...ists and NeoConservatives have in common? One of the Abrahamic religions... possibly.

The soldiers were sent by Tony Blair of the Labour Party - the workers' party - who my old friends vote for. The Labour Party hate Tommy Robinson.

Meanwhile under the Labour Party, muslim immigration boomed (over half UK Muslims weren't born there according to the Muslim Council of Britain). After the war George Galloway formed the political party 'Repsect' and stood in Muslim areas. He won. The Labour Party hate George Galloway.

"How can we fight extremism epitomized by the likes of Tommy Robinson?" They ask... Ban criticism of the other two Abrahamic religions? Draw up a list of things you can't say - yeah, that seems to be the policy.

I am just about confident I am sane.

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