brookings - September 26th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 26th, 2018

[Sep. 26th, 2018|10:17 pm]
Bruxelles - an ole de merde - still/tomeer
imagine the consciousness of us flittereres about as in bubbles atop shaken booze
facial expressions carved on the locals by the kids begging for their mothers
a white haired nicely hatted large man surveys the scene
makes all kinds of concessions or so it seems
and a tough younger one says sit here to his prostitute
Home counties polo shirt trumpets across the hotel lounge
deformed african plays football with fat african in the jets of steam
a phone nestles next to ear supported by just hijab
white girls busk poxily in front of the opera
Business and monopoly money
easy love and tough love
trains sigh and hormones scream
going nowhere
like this
bla bla bla.
blin blin blin
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