brookings - February 1st, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 1st, 2018

[Feb. 1st, 2018|12:57 pm]
Vēl viens kož putekļus:

West Ham have suspended Tony Henry “pending a full and thorough investigation” after the club’s director of player recruitment was reportedly accused of racism and unlawful discrimination.

A report by the Daily Mail alleged Tony Henry told agents the club did not want to sign any African players in the transfer window. Asked for a response by the paper, Henry is reported to have explained West Ham wanted to limit their number of African players because “they have a bad attitude” and “cause mayhem” when they are not in the team.
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Jauns Avots [Feb. 1st, 2018|10:46 pm]
Rihanna na illuminati
One join-bodi of around 30 religious groups for Senegal wey be "No to Freemasonry and Homosexuality", dey accuse di singer say she dey use masonic things and say she be member of di so-called Illuminati.

People carry talk about dis group wey no dey real, say dem be jazz people all over di world wey wan establish New World Order.
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