brookings - February 24th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 24th, 2014

[Feb. 24th, 2014|11:01 am]
no abaam puseem
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Ap un Par Valentine's Day [Feb. 24th, 2014|11:59 am]
I'll stick this in English,so it's more a note to self.
1) I had to rescue our rescued cat. She was on the top of a tree (small tree - but I was acutely aware of my 90kg and lack of flexibility) with four tomcats sniffing and nauding about after her.
2) In the evening (Feb 14th) I, the wife and 2 daughters danced in the kitchen - including a slow dance with my wife to 'Everybody is Dead' off an old cassette (available here - '').
3) My eldest daughter kept getting texts from butnes of male gender - I then noticed a couple of things - to which I was reminded that she will soon be twelve.
4) The next day we took the cat in to get sterilized - it is a shame, but life is quieter.
5) My eldest daughter played in a football tournament like her new hero, Julian Dicks. 'Is he still alive?' She asks? 'Yes, he has a pub' I answer. 'Can I meet him?' she wants to know.
6) Today I went to wake up my step son, only to find that the Spring (of Life) is here.

Sort of intimate innit? But that's how it goes.
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