brookings - January 15th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 15th, 2014

дежурной улыбкой [Jan. 15th, 2014|02:33 am]
A few years ago a gracious Estonian lady told me (over the remains of some salvaged wine) that I was nearly a true Balt as I didn't smile and I had collected all the unfinished wine bottles in the union canteen. She said it was a compliment.

Looks like it's true for our Slavic friends, too - least judging from this:
A teacher at an institution of higher learning once wrote a complaint about the institute’s rector to the party committee: “He treats me with contempt – he always smiles when we meet.”

Very interesting article, especially about the 'duty smile' - reminds me of an ex-Yank colleague of mine and the disguise of psychopathy in US culture.
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