brookings - July 16th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 16th, 2013

nachenaem [Jul. 16th, 2013|11:49 am]
The original thought recordings of the spiked clone were one of a series of ten that were converted into ‘novel form’ by researchers at the Centre into the effects of narrative on the Sapian’s 3.2 sense of itself. The transformation was accomplished using the E.CONART application produced by ADDER Corp, a primitive forerunner of the Grid used by all enclosed today to enact full and complete understanding through the intense and boundless precision of Our Master of None.

This adaption of thought recording is recommended by the Council for those who would undertake the pleasure of implant for the express purpose of fulfilling comprehension of Segment 7Aii.

The unit, hereby referred to as ‘Peat’, was originally thought by one of the sixth generation of clones in the late burst of year 1624. No records remain of the origin of said clone outside of the fragments of its adapted thoughts, yet it is clear that the name it understands as having been given is ‘Janis’.

From the thought records, we can be certain that Janis lived in the area of western Letzonia, by a River, known at that time in ‘Letzonian’ as the Teka. Full federalization of this area was achieved thirty two years later in 1656, and it now falls within 64/21 of Tribute Zone 14.32.

It is still unknown why Janis was chosen for this research; indeed it is unclear how or why the planet’s governing authorities at the time were able to have access to the ‘thought spike’ (one of the primitive precursors to the now recently perfected Open and Unconditional). The most likely mirrored pathway is that he was targeted by the Commision after a stay in the hospital at Muse. It is also conjectured that the Undertaker of the plan is the very same Paulius, the pathologist who approaches Janis in the hospital canteen early in the thoughts; yet, transparently, this is romance within the boundary 0.7 – 0.75 underscored with Sapian 3.2 naked intent (see alghorithm pathway X..2/1c).

Those beings directed to the study of Ourstory through Direction will be aware that this was a time of no little economic upheaval, being as it was engulfed by the third echo of Fund activities.
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