brookings - April 17th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 17th, 2012

neo-classical domination [Apr. 17th, 2012|05:36 am]
"So have the non-economists grasped their moment? Have they hell. Look at the academic conferences held over the past few weeks, at which the latest and most promising research in each discipline is presented, and it's as if Lehman Brothers never fell over."

Un šeit - laikam tas pats stāsts. Tikai 'citi' ekonomisti var atļauties "ķert savu brīdi". Lai gan tie, kā Steve Keen, ir ļoti interesanti. Viņš apgalvo, ka neo-classical ekonomisti savos modeļos, neņem vērā, kā banku sistēma var radīt naudu, no gandrīz nekā.

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