brookings - January 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 27th, 2012

[Jan. 27th, 2012|05:48 pm]
too overworked to make it (my thoughts) neat in the flung about vocab and grammar of this current place/
in the old place - (a big boomingly quiet place with the beats and scents weaving a fabric that is nostalgic only because it is back there) an old friend is to be cared for, turpmāk, in a hospice from today

emotional channels - no point defining the aspects of sounds that blow on the standing waters of memory - this music drenched in nostalgia (for no other reason that it is from back there) makes me want to dance. I would raise a glass to my old friend if it wasn't such a cliche.
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