brookings - October 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 15th, 2010

bla bla bla [Oct. 15th, 2010|01:59 pm]
I drove my mother-in-law home and after a while I asked her about her son, who is living in caravan near Reading fixing greenhouses. His girlfriend has no work, and his ex is depressed in Derby. It was, she said, a peculiarly sad little cul-de-sac of destiny. I, meanwhile, had taken a wrong turning and we were in the dark midnight rain somewhere in the hinterland between countryside and Jugla.
"Let's turn round" I said.

After I dropped her off I looked for some cassettes in the dark - just a trail of old Peel (little reels of memory from 20-odd years ago). Then as the rain beat down and the car's headlights swung at 5-storey height along the curvature of the South Bridge, I heard something that tore right through me.

I got home and asked my other half what it was.

"Oh Vivaldi"


Just a word now - a tidy little experience.

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