brookings - July 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 14th, 2010

for the zillionth effing time, national economies are not the same as household budgets [Jul. 14th, 2010|04:42 pm]

Te ir spraiga diskusija par pasaules ekonomikas iekārti. Man īpaši paitk šis rakstinš (neesmu īsti objektīvs džeks):

"Money creation - I suspect most people are unaware of how money is created and who gets to create it. If you borrow from a bank they get to create the money as debt and charge you interest on the borrowing. As you pay back the money you've borrowed the original sum (that the lender is liable for) is destroyed but the bank gets to keep the interest.

The act of you borrowing £100k from a bank for a mortgage is effectively you agreeing to pay £80k in interest over your lifetime to a bank for the simple administrative act of monitoring your payments. And people wonder why finance dominates our economy! You turn up to work every day for 25 years to equal the effort the bank went to typing - £100,000 into a spreadsheet and sending you a statement annually! "

Pārsteidzoši arī bija apgalvojums, ka "taxes do not fund govt. spending" (frolix22 4:04pm) - vismaz kopš nauda zaudēja saistību ar zeltu.

Noslēgumā, celojumā līdz taisnībai, es joprojam kliboju miglā.

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