brookings - December 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 9th, 2009

[Dec. 9th, 2009|12:40 am]
A romantic Soviet soundtrack echoes in the new subway and overcoated ladies stop and turn and give some money (it's the soothing sound of ripples on the shore they ended up on - their destiny). The player grimaces - pompous pursing lips, nodding head and closing eyelids - ugly. A little further on some sacking gently breathes by a trail of dried urine and 6 puppies suck at the teats of their mother. On the steps a beggar, whose consonentless vowels are shaped through a face twisted by an ancient insult, points to an empty plastic cup to two girls.
"There must be a 2nd hand shop near here!" says the boyish American with a small rucksack on her back.
"No, you don't understand." says her friend in her/that oddly Russian upper-class English "You don't understand" The words all running together, played like notes on a score.
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