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Jan. 9th, 2019|11:07 am

Partly, yes. I agree. The smashing of the manufacturing sector and the coal industry in particular destroyed communities in those areas and caused people to look to themselves to fix their financial difficulties.

However, it isn't the whole story. The banking system has been 'extracting exorbitant rent' from people's desire to have a roof over their head (money ex-nihilo as debt through central bank largesse) that most people in an average job require state aid to support a family.

The massive surge in immigration took place under Labour, who famously wished to rub the noses of the Right in diversity. Of course, some of the Right like cheap labour, and the Money Power have no problem financing govt debt, so win-win for them. They also decided to brutally denounce any indigenous Brit who complained as racist, islamophobe etc, which brought about a malaise in morale.

In short: it's complicated.
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