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Jan. 8th, 2019|11:06 pm

It also comes from paĊĦas tautas. From old friends, relatives and so on.

It's difficult, for me, to write or think about it coherently (see above rambling). There are so many factors at play. Furthermore, my perception could be warped or otherwise malfunctioning, and I can get carried away. Only sometimes you catch something - a small thing maybe - and it strikes you that it has meaning. For instance, we, three generations of us, sang that auld lang syne, and then later on the TV, you saw just a few pockets of people singing it in amongst a mass of incredulity by the banks of the Thames - those who didn't understand it or sing it could have been tourists, maybe of course, but not all. Other times you watch an old TV series steeped in another culture, or see an old photo - is this what Scruton is referring to when he says 'heritage'?

It would be good if we rediscovered aspects of that culture, and celebrated it - especially in those areas where the 'we' whose heritage it is are or are becoming a minority. It would be the most positive thing we could do.
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