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Jan. 8th, 2019|03:16 pm

We aren't a normal West-European country, thank God :)

I look on it a bit more whimsically (aging ex-pat). I look back on my childhood and the attendant culture as a fairytale. I look on the indie/hc gigs we put on as something magical in a unique culture now mostly out of sight: the whistling riffs a portrait in the air - the smell of fags, the taste of Southern Comfort, the endless Norfolk skies... all the possibilities.

We have been fucked, I would say, slowly with digital remorseless insistence since then. It comes from above, not below, and it has turned us into a pantomime of hysterical self-hatred - woe is us - we gave the world football hooligans and the Empire: we are shit and we, sadly, feel it in the bones.
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