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Aug. 14th, 2014|04:30 pm

Sorry - are you suggesting that, for example, the Bank of International Settlements just originated organically from the needs of otherwise completely normal people?

Sounds absurd.

You are a journalist, as far as I understand. You write ans speak about politics. Would you agree that money is one of the (if not THE) most important factors in any analysis of politics (political economy if you like). That is a rhetorical question, of course, so
a) Do you understand how money is created and by whom?
b) Do you understand how much democratical control there is over this process?
c) Do you know which organisations control this process?
d) Do you know the results of independent audits of these organisations? [this might be a trick question]

If you don't know the answers to these questions, I would recommend removing the quotation marks around the use of "real" and do some research.

If that comes across as a little aggressive, please excuse me - I am a calm bloke in reality, and am open to discussing all this in pleasant terms over a beer.
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