- Mein Leben in Statistik:
- 5.10.10 23:21
- 5 mornings of the week I wake up at least 09:30,
3 evenings I go to sleep quite after midnight because of work,
2 evenings end up in early morning because of neverending talks and cigarettes with beer
I have 1 lover whom I love, b ut who doesnt loves me
1 lover who is in love with me, but I dont love him
1 friend, who keeps it all in balance
half of my time Im spending with men, half of it I spend also flirting
I have 1 work what is paid with money,
1 work, what I pay for
1 work what brings me headaches
and 1 project what brings bright future - 1 rakstakas uz sirds?
- 7.10.10 12:39
bilance :)
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