Song of the day
30 December 2013 @ 12:44 pm
Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true
29 December 2013 @ 05:18 am
Vienīgā labā lieta manā darbā ir alkohols par brīvu. Tas arī ir tas, ko daru- divas skrūves pēc diviem naktī, un tad es esmu attiecīgajā kondīcijā, lai pabeigtu savu maiņu.
Un vēl es gaidu to mirkli, kad mani vecāki beigs domāt par naudu. Waiting for forever, I guess. Un tas ir viens no iemesliem, kāpēc neesmu viņiem pateikusi, kad būšu LV. Mums vienkārši nav, par ko runāt.
Un vēl es gaidu to mirkli, kad mani vecāki beigs domāt par naudu. Waiting for forever, I guess. Un tas ir viens no iemesliem, kāpēc neesmu viņiem pateikusi, kad būšu LV. Mums vienkārši nav, par ko runāt.
28 December 2013 @ 12:53 pm
Katru rītu pieceļos, paskatos uz savām alkohola pudelēm un domāju, ka varētu... Nav jau tā, ka tiešām katru dienu dzeru, bet nu cmooon!
♫: Disclosure- Latch
27 December 2013 @ 09:27 pm
- Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?
- We accept the love we think we deserve.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 2012
- We accept the love we think we deserve.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 2012
26 December 2013 @ 02:37 am
Dabūju jaunu adapteri, tagad varu atkal sprdzināt. Ziemassvētki, nuja. Tikko beidzu savu darba dienu, tagad vienatnē virtuvē vāru griķus. Izklausās labi?
Ai, es nezinu, nezinu, par ko šī dzīve ir. Par ko tad tā ir? Bet es apsolīju sev, ka šie ir vienīgie tādi Ziemassvētki manā mūžā. Dažreiz varbūt ir vērts kaut ko pieciest, kad zini, ka tas ved uz gaišu nākotni. Es, protams, nezinu, bet vienalga.
Hey you, standing in the road
always doing what you're told,
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?
Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.
Ai, es nezinu, nezinu, par ko šī dzīve ir. Par ko tad tā ir? Bet es apsolīju sev, ka šie ir vienīgie tādi Ziemassvētki manā mūžā. Dažreiz varbūt ir vērts kaut ko pieciest, kad zini, ka tas ved uz gaišu nākotni. Es, protams, nezinu, bet vienalga.
Hey you, standing in the road
always doing what you're told,
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?
Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.
04 November 2013 @ 09:56 pm
My dear, my dear, I know
More than another
What makes your heart beat so;
Not even your own mother
Can know it as I know,
Who broke my heart for her
When the wild thought,
That she denies
And has forgot,
Set all her blood astir
And glittered in her eyes.
W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)
More than another
What makes your heart beat so;
Not even your own mother
Can know it as I know,
Who broke my heart for her
When the wild thought,
That she denies
And has forgot,
Set all her blood astir
And glittered in her eyes.
W. B. Yeats (1865-1939)
28 October 2013 @ 09:27 pm

Šodien beidzot biju pie jūras. Nu galīgi traka jau viņa ir, bet skaista arī. Ja paveiksies, un rīt saņemšu priecīgu zvanu, tad jūru redzēšu ja ne katru dienu, tad katru nedēļu gan.
♫: Ned Rorem
22 October 2013 @ 10:05 pm
Darba nav, naudas arī nav, vismaz ir viedoklis. Ir cilvēki... ir mūzika. Un tad tas sākas no sākuma.
19 October 2013 @ 08:33 pm
My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She has lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years. She got very skinny, was constantly crying. She was not happy woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep only in the morning; got tired very quickly during the day. Our relationship was on the verge of brake up. Her beauty was leaving her somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and stopped take care of herself. She refused shoot the films and rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon… But then I decided to act. After all I’ve got the most beautiful woman on the earth. She is the ideal of more than half of men and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her and to hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I surprised her and pleased every minute. I gave her lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her own and our mutual friends. You won’t believe, but she has blossomed. She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN love that much.
And then I realized one thing: the woman is the reflection of her man.
If you love her to the point of madness, she will become it.
Brad Pitt
And then I realized one thing: the woman is the reflection of her man.
If you love her to the point of madness, she will become it.
Brad Pitt
♫: Chet Baker
08 October 2013 @ 08:54 am
Tas ir interesanti, cik daudz par cilvēku var pateikt pēc viņa gaitas.
Deniss man saka: Stop! Your walk tells me 'I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do it good.' Neutral please! Now start from the beginning.
Deniss man saka: Stop! Your walk tells me 'I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do it good.' Neutral please! Now start from the beginning.
29 September 2013 @ 12:58 am
28 September 2013 @ 11:38 am
Tagad visiem profilā rakstīts "freelance musician." Drīz jau drīz es arī tas būšu.
♫: Beautiful Love
28 September 2013 @ 12:11 am
23 September 2013 @ 07:19 pm
Esmu tik ļoti pārāk pieradusi pie dzīvošanas skolā, ka arī tagad pavadu šeit savas brīvās stundas. Es vairs nezinu, ko darīt. Vakaros neapmeklēju džema sesijas, jo man besī. Tā vietā vakaros skatos dzīvo koncertu ierakstus, ar tiem es vakarā aizmiegu, ar tiem pamostos. Un tad jau atkal ir skola. No rītiem esmu tāda saulīte, how come? Bet pēc pieciem, sešiem, septiņiem... Tā gan jau atkal ir kārtējā anti-sociāla cilvēka cerība, ka skolā notiks kaut kas labāks. Kaut es varētu šeit gulēt.

14 April 2013 @ 10:31 pm
31 March 2013 @ 01:10 pm
24 March 2013 @ 12:51 pm
Kad istabas biedrenes nav, kāds kaifs ir kādā vien skaļumā vēlos klausīties pasaules labākos mūzikas ierakstus. Naktī vai pa dienu. Any time.
07 March 2013 @ 02:34 pm
02 March 2013 @ 12:05 pm
Dīvaini iedomājoties, cik daudzi mani bijušie skolasbiedri tagad ir ārzemēs. Un ka es arī tur būšu.

11 February 2013 @ 07:43 pm
Nedaudz dīvaina sajūta- atgriezties cibā, palasīt, ko cibiņi sviesto un izlasīt šeit aprakstus par saviem draugiem/ kolēģiem, kuri, domājams, par cibu savu mūžu nav dzirdējuši. Es tā arī nekad nespēju nosaukt lietas īstajos vārdos- tieši tāpēc.