
(no subject)

Oct. 28th, 2018 | 04:37 pm
From:: bodyshop

Vēl Ibērs Godārs saka par skoliozi - ka skolioze ir nevis problēma ķermenī, bet gan telpā.
To varētu teikt gandrīz par visiem kustību ierobežojumiem.

My experience is that very often in scoliosis, there is a wound in the space. Not if you are born with scoliosis, but if it occurs later in life-after age eight. The scoliosis is started mainly at the moment when something happened.

The scoliosis of the space will bring a scoliosis of my body. So I have to reorganize my perception. Because what makes the space is my perception, and if I don't work on the perception, no change will occur. I can make the scoliosis better, but it will keep coming back.

You address the way the people perceive, and if you are sensitive to that, you can see the kinesphere in people. Sometimes there is a leaking/leaning/looking toward the right and no projection capacity on the left because there was so strong a negative experience in the space-an accident of life-and you have to rebalance this subjective space. We have to work on this subjectivity so that more of the space is available to us so we can move more freely.

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