Are you living in the real world? - horoskopi

Jul. 21st, 2008

03:19 pm - horoskopi

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[User Picture]
Date:July 21st, 2008 - 03:19 pm
what? tā ir kkāda metafora?
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[User Picture]
Date:July 21st, 2008 - 03:29 pm
man vismaz normāls horoskops - ar domu! :P
"Evolving towards clarity when it comes to love is a nearly impossible goal. Romance doesn't abide by rules or set patterns. Often times it's best to just go with the flow instead of trying to extract meaning from actions."
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[User Picture]
Date:July 21st, 2008 - 03:32 pm
nu ja paskatās tā tuvak - go with the flow.. bet ja flow dodas pēc gold, tad arī tev ir go for gold :D
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