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Friday, December 6th, 2024

    Time Event

    Tas pats ar
    'sieviete ir performance'
    ' vīrietis var zīdīt mazuļus, ja viņš sevi uzskata par sievieti'
    'sportā dzimumatšķirībām nav īpašas nozīmes'
    'dzimums ir spektrs'

    "If you had told me, back when I was doing my postgrad work on sexual difference feminism, that I’d end up spending the best part of a decade defending the existence of female people as a class in law against the effort to redefine us as a gendered projection, I would have been incredulous." Jane Clare Jones
    gender blender eastender
    Amatieriski patulkoju Džeinu Džonsu

    blablabla )

    Current Music: jamie xx - girl

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