22 October 2016 @ 05:14 pm
Our choices are no longer guided by pleasure or good sense but by the words 'good for our health', so taking a walk has turned into a fundamental need, as it oxygenates the brain, tones the body and protects us against diabetes, cancer and depression. This is, of course, provided that we do it daily for at least half an hour at a sustained pace. This is exactly how a spontaneous act becomes an obligation. We no longer talk about lettuce salad, a tomato, a yogurt or a glass of wine, but omega-3, antioxidants and probiotics.
04 August 2016 @ 06:45 pm
Life has been reduced to a series of long periods of boredom in the office punctuated by high-octane "experiences" which you can rack up on your list of things to do before you die. That's not really living: that's slavery with the occasional circus thrown in.
11 January 2015 @ 06:02 pm
Story of my life aka es garlaikojos un lasu vācu žurnālus  
Für Kinder, die dem "Förderzirkus" ihrer Eltern hilflos ausgesetzt sind, ist der Weg in den Perfektionismus wohl programmiert. Und später, wenn sie dann größer sind, vergleichen sie sich mit ihren tollen Facebook-Freunden und nutzen all die digitalen Möglichkeiten, um Ihre Leistung zu kontrollieren, sich mit anderer zu vergleichen und stetig an der Selbstverbessung zu arbeiten... Schöne, neue, endlich perfekte Welt?