Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs -

12. Jul 2008


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I think the whole "mutual interest" thing in man/woman relationships is overrated.

Men and women have completely different thought processes, have totally different interests, and the things they talk about should be for mutual pleasure. Having a wife who wants to talk about the "digital/analog" debate is probably one of one's worst nightmares. Men and women are wired differently.


For me it is absolutely essential, at my age you can't just have sex... Sooner or later you have to talk.


Married men don't live longer, it just seems like longer.


I don't understand men who keep getting married, then divorced, then married again.
Why do you need to marry them? Just have girlfriends.
I waited until late in life to get married, VERY late to have a kid. I might have another. But I don't feel trapped or unhappy.
Why do you marry these women with whom you seem to have either no connection, no peaceful home life or no mutual pleasure? What's the point?

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