Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs - Komentāri

14. Mar 2008



Pēc nesenā cenu kāpuma degvielai mūsu korespondents no U.S.A. raksta:

"As totally off-topic as you can get, I guess, but I thought I'd mention this. Yesterday, I noticed I had only a little bit of gas remaining in my tank. But, I knew I had filled up only a few days previous and I habitually reset my trip odometer when I fill up. I normally get between 250 and just under 300 miles to a tank. Now it was nearly empty at 125 miles. I guess I got siphoned.

So I had to order a locking gas cap from the local auto parts store. The guy there told me that with gas prices headed back up, they are having a hard time keeping them in stock. They didn't even have one for my car, so like I said, I had to order one.

Just FYI. I live in a safe neighborhood, very quiet, and it happened to me. Wake up call, I guess."

Varam iedomāties, ka pie noteiktas robežas sifonēšana ir nekaitīgākais, kas var notikt ar degvielu no tava auto. Paga, kā sauca to austrāliešu aktieri ? Nekad neatceros aktieru vārdus.

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