[May. 30th, 2005|10:19 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | lethargic | ] |
[ | music |
| | Deftones "7 WORDS" | ] |
 I’ll never be the same, breaking decency Don’t be tree trunk, don’t fall on my living roots I’ve been humming too many words, got a weak self esteem That’s been stomped away from every single dream But there’s something else that brought us feaze (best guess,means discontent) Keep it all inside until we feel we can unleash I think that you made it up, I think that your mind is gone Should be glorified, now your wrong Suck(11x), (your fucking money, get fucking movin, big fucking ape? ) Suck(10x), (you pig, you bitch) You and me are here alone face flat along the edge of the glass But I’m not here to preach, I’m just sick of (direction,the racial? ) My parents made me strong to lift up that glass So why should I try, act like I’m a little pissed of With all that shit that needs to stay back in the shelf Because your fuck ass made it up, your fucking mind is gone Shoud’ve never glorified, now your right Suck(12x) Suck(10x) Shut up you don’t know me, shut up you don’t know me Squeal like a pig when you big fuckin, big fuckin, ape!! Well I’ll tell you about my (ball scratch, false dad), What’s coming back jack, well (dirtbag, turnback) Curse for in their words(for any words, four indian words) Whether not your fucking with (hurt) I’m making no sense, what’s coming as I jump in ya(jubilla, jugrilla) I think I’m (something,stomping) naughty or most anybody So thinking of me by now but you go grab it And I can’t think for who I am this shit I belong where they be, ’cause we can not give back those lives We exist to cease understand That God hates blacks shades and all the players Mr. p.i.g could I fuckin see Sure already done crushed my brothers dignity And to the jury can’t be no turnerson my skin this color Does that mean I’m burned Cause your fuck ass made it up, your fuckin mind was gone Should’ve never glorified, wrong!! Suck!(12x) Suck!(10x)
P.S. Ja veel nosaktaas klipu tad ir WeeWeeWee un PUNKTS |
I'm not killer, but don't push me |
[Nov. 12th, 2004|04:44 pm] |
If i was a serial killer i would be The Zodiac Killer. Over the course of almost 9 years in the 1970s the Zodiac Killer took the lives of over 13 people, either stabbing or shooting them to death in or by their vehicles. All the targets were the same, couples in cars off rural roads.
Taunting cops the Zodiac Killer would send in encrypted messages to the local papers, describing how his past victims had died, and who would come next if they didn't post his message on the cover of the newspaper the following day. The only surviving witness described the zodiac killer as a heavy set man in a self fashioned hooded jacked that covered his face, brandishing a crossed circle that he always signed his letters with.
After 1978 the killings stopped, the Zodiac's case was never solved.
Kill count: 13
Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now! |
Who said anything about slicing you up ? |
[Nov. 10th, 2004|05:07 pm] |

Get in we are friends
Saakums riit plkst. 18:00
liidzi jaanjem: anti-puteklju maska, diski, teeja, cigaretes... |
Pīrāgs |
[Nov. 5th, 2004|02:59 pm] |
Viens čuksts virpulī (Māris Šverns)
Tu taču joko! Nevar būt tas nopietni Interesanti kādā valodā tu runā Vai tu vispār kādreiz kontrolē sevi Stāsti man, stāsti man, stāsti Mana dzīve ar zin` nav nekāds pīrāgs Manai goda sardzei atkal nācās cepures mainīt Tādēļ, kad iešu garām tavai lepnajai pilij Izsperšu tavas papīra durvis Gaidi! Tā kā tas čuksts, ko dvesi tu virpulī Tika sadzirdēts Tika uzreiz |
Nauda vai droshiiba, Nepraats vai laime - HVZ |
[Nov. 4th, 2004|10:51 am] |
[ | mood |
| | daudz gara maz laika | ] | Uzmini (Māris Šverns)
Uzmini, atmini Par ko es domāju pagājušo nakti Uzmini Uzmini, atmini Ko viņa sapņoja pagājušo nakti Uzkāpt? Tas ir nieks Noturēties. Tas jau ir kaut kas Vakar mēs tik daudz būvējām Bet šodien, nezkāpēc, mums nav kur dzīvot Pietura. Pietura viena, divas, trīs Tur tālāk. Tā māja. Tā lielā tava ir Es eju kluss. Pie Tevis es eju, eju, eju Jo uzkāpt. Tas ir nieks
Klausies |
[Nov. 3rd, 2004|03:03 pm] |
ir 3. nov darbs ir viss ir, kaa nav ? narkotiku nav jau sen...diivainaa sakaartotiiba saak pilniigi labi palikt no taa, taa ir ziime ka jaasaak mekleet avotus...taatad jaameklee
zaale - nevajag amfetamiins - negribu (uz haljavu, ja nu vieniigi) MDMA - gribu (bet nevaru dabuut) SEENES - vajag (vismaz 100g svaigas vai 20g zhaaveetas) LSD - nenjemshu |
Positive Streaming |
[Nov. 2nd, 2004|01:49 pm] |
Kamēr tā skan (M. Šverns)
Paņem uzpīpē Vai zini tu, ka tā tavā pēdējā... Paņem uzdejo Vai zini tu, tā tavā pēdējā... Apskauj sievieti Vai zini tu, tā tava pēdējā... Paņem uzdziedi Vai zini tu, kamēr tā skan |
Malkovich, Malkiovich !?! |
[Oct. 31st, 2004|11:28 pm] |
Kafija - ~6 dozas Teeja - ~6 dozas Cigaretes - 1 pacinja Anime kino - 1 filma Ziedi - viens puskjis Sarunas - 2 Cilveeki - 4 Atzinjas - 1 ---------------- Rezumee =
Apskaidriiba - 0 Vilshanaas - 0 Ceriibas - (+)1 Jauni iespaidi - (+)2 Fantaazija - (+)1 Meli - 0 Veseliiba - (-)1 |
[Oct. 28th, 2004|05:13 pm] |
Mans zirgs (Māris Šverns)
Manu zirgu vārdā nesauciet Sāks viņš skriet. Strauji Sargi tad mani Manam zirgam iemauktus nelieciet Sāks viņš kliegt. Skaļi Sargi tad mani Mans zirgs ir skaists Tikpat skaists, kā jūsējie Cik bieži esam krituši Piedod mums Tēvs piedod |
[Oct. 27th, 2004|08:03 pm] |
Labriit pilnmeeness, es jau tevi gaidiiju, varam doties...kur brauksim? Tepat ir labi... ir taapat kaa visur kur esmu es, Bljin Pilnmeeness es negribu buut tur kur esmu es.. Skat kaa miegs no mums ar tevi beeg, Bet mees veljamies ar tevi cauri tumsai, mums patiik viena un taa pati muuzika, Hee paskat uz to liso koku aleju, vinjiem nav lapu paarbijushies rindaas gar celja malaam staav ....Pag kur tu ej, jau riits.. Saule ko tu gribi no manis, atkal paarmetumi, Jaa mana Saule esmu vainiigs pie taa ka Pilnmeeness... |
[Oct. 27th, 2004|07:42 pm] |
Knishlji, maukas, piishlji visi mani niishlji, sanaaciet tuvaak man, lai varu jums ko pachuksteet, un vinji naak un es vinjiem smaidu un vinji smaida man un es vinjus zhnjaudzu, bet vinji smaida... |
[Oct. 27th, 2004|03:38 pm] |
Pearl Jam Lyrics
the waiting drove me mad...you're finally here and i'm a mess i take your entrance back...can't let you roam inside my head i don't want to take what you can give... i would rather starve than eat your bread... i would rather run but i can't walk... guess i'll lie alone just like before... i'll take the varmint's path...oh, and i must refuse your test a-push me and i will resist...this behavior's not unique i don't want to hear from those who know... they can buy, but can't put on my clothes... i don't want to limp for them to walk... never would have known of me before... i don't want to be held in your debt... i'll pay it off in blood, let i be wed... i'm already cut up and half dead... i'll end up alone like i began... everything has chains...absolutely nothing's changed take my hand, not my picture, spilled my teacher (spilled my tincture) i don't want to take what you can give... i would rather starve than eat your breast... all the things that others want for me... can't buy what i want because it's free... can't buy what i want because it's free... can't be what you want because i'm... why ain't it sposed to be just fun oh, to live and die, let it be done i figure i'll be damned, all alone like i began... it's your move now... i thought you were a friend, but i guess i, i guess i hate you.. |
Betona un rokas sastapshanaas auglji |
[Oct. 25th, 2004|12:32 pm] |
Pearl Jam - BETTER MAN
Waitin’, watchin’ the clock, it’s four o’clock, it’s got to stop Tell him, take no more, she practices her speech As he opens the door, she rolls over... Pretends to sleep as he looks her over She lies and says she’s in love with him, can’t find a better man... She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can’t find a better man... Can’t find a better man (2x) Ohh...
Talkin’ to herself, there’s no one else who needs to know... She tells herself, oh... Memories back when she was bold and strong And waiting for the world to come along... Swears she knew it, now she swears he’s gone She lies and says she’s in love with him, can’t find a better man... She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can’t find a better man... She lies and says she still loves him, can’t find a better man... She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can’t find a better man... Can’t find a better man (2x) Yeah...
She loved him, yeah...she don’t want to leave this way She feeds him, yeah...that’s why she’ll be back again Can’t find a better man (3x) Can’t find a better...man... Ohh...ohh... Uh huh... (5x) Ohh... |
Beidzot var atvilkt elpu haa |
[Oct. 22nd, 2004|02:38 pm] |
 On the streets or on your Mother's couch is where you'll be in ten years, you lazy bum. School "wasn't your thing" and in ten years, you're gonna regret the lack of seriousness you showed it...
Where Will You Be In 10 Years? brought to you by Quizilla |
[Oct. 22nd, 2004|02:33 pm] |
 You'd make a great Buddhist. Your a quiet person, but its not because you have nothing to say. After all, the more you talk the less people listen, right? Struggling to find purpose in life you bury yourself in some Neitzsche. Keep following that eightfold path.
What Religion Do You Belong In? brought to you by Quizilla |
Esmu atpakalj |
[Oct. 20th, 2004|02:20 pm] |
Nu un ... nu labi labi aizdirsos, bet maajaas ir vislabaak tik un taa. |
Tomeer nenotureejos |
[Oct. 11th, 2004|12:56 pm] |
Staavu darbaa uz galda pljaukaaju direktoru otraa rokaa shlipsee iekaaries pastnieks, blauju "Uuuuuuu...ihaaa" un klausos SHO muzik -----------> Sheva |
Galiigi nav obligaati |
[Oct. 11th, 2004|12:51 pm] |
Juutos Kustericiski-Bregovicho-undergoundiski un atlicis tikai viens neatbildeets jautaajums Where is my mind going? |
Fuck Job |
[Oct. 7th, 2004|08:27 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | Jobistick apocalipsy | ] |
[ | music |
| | Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra | ] | Dziesma kura darbaholisma nepraataa tika veltiita priekshnieciibai, iebaazhot to ausii tehniskajam direktoram, lai cilveeks saprot savu buutiibu, bet neskatoties uz to veel joprojaam straadaaju savu garo darba dienu liidz galam......
sheit |
Piedaavaajums no kura nevar atteikties |
[Oct. 5th, 2004|11:46 am] |
 Riskeet? Nu bet protams, tikai nomirt negribaas.....sukas....
Pearl Jam - Immortality
Vacate is the word...vengeance has no place so near to her Cannot find the comfort in this world Artificial tear...vessel stabbed...next up, volunteers Vulnerable, wisdom can’t adhere...
A truant finds home...and I wish to hold on... But there’s a trapdoor in the sun...immortality...
As privileged as a whore...victims in demand for public show Swept out through the cracks beneath the door Holier than thou, how? Surrendered...executed anyhow Scrawl dissolved, cigar box on the floor...
A truant finds home...and I wish to hold on, too... But saw the trapdoor in the sun...
Immortality... I cannot stop the thought...I’m running in the dark... Coming up a which way sign...all good truants must decide... Oh, stripped and sold, mom...auctioned forearm... And whiskers in the sink... Truants move on...cannot stay long Some die just to live... ohh... |