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[Oct. 22nd, 2004|02:33 pm]
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You'd make a great Buddhist. Your a quiet person,
but its not because you have nothing to say.
After all, the more you talk the less people
listen, right? Struggling to find purpose in
life you bury yourself in some Neitzsche. Keep
following that eightfold path.

What Religion Do You Belong In?
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Date:October 22nd, 2004 - 07:18 pm
man sanāca šitā:

You'd make a good Atheist. You don't believe in
anything. At all.

smieklīgi :) kā allaž šādos testos man derīgi atbilžu varianti netiek pieļauti. taču tāpēc jo interesantāk paskatīties, kas tad beigās sanāks.