Vakuumprese - I'm not killer, but don't push me [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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I'm not killer, but don't push me [Nov. 12th, 2004|04:44 pm]
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If i was a serial killer i would be The Zodiac Killer.

Over the course of almost 9 years in the 1970s the Zodiac Killer took the lives of over 13 people, either stabbing or shooting them to death in or by their vehicles. All the targets were the same, couples in cars off rural roads.

Taunting cops the Zodiac Killer would send in encrypted messages to the local papers, describing how his past victims had died, and who would come next if they didn't post his message on the cover of the newspaper the following day. The only surviving witness described the zodiac killer as a heavy set man in a self fashioned hooded jacked that covered his face, brandishing a crossed circle that he always signed his letters with.

After 1978 the killings stopped, the Zodiac's case was never solved.

Kill count: 13

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Date:November 12th, 2004 - 07:37 pm
ha, mēs varētu dibināt killeru bandu, man tas pats sanāca.
Date:January 14th, 2005 - 11:09 pm
man semadžiks saka, tev esot svētki šodien. lai kā arī būtu, labākie vēlējumi no manas puses.
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Date:January 18th, 2005 - 04:55 pm
Paldies, prieks sanjemt labus vaardus. kas i semadžiks???
Date:January 18th, 2005 - 08:14 pm
prieks tevi atkal dzirdēt. semadžiks ir tāda štelle, kuru var dabūt iekš un kura padara ērtāku rakstīšanu žurnālā. (man, piem., caur "bīdīt tekstus" sen jau vairs galīgi nerakstās). nu un ja ir ievilkts ķeksītis īstajā lodziņā, tad tas pats semadžiks arī neļauj aizmirst draudzīgo cibiņu svinamdienas, ja viņi ir tādas norādījuši.
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Date:March 11th, 2005 - 01:54 pm
Tomēr par daudz ārišķības un iestudējuma. Tam ir jānotiek instinktīvi.
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Date:March 31st, 2005 - 01:25 pm
eee labais! :) paldies pa shito ..
man sanca Albert Fish - a masochistic, pedophile obsessed with religious themes. He forced himself to eat feces and would stick alcohol soaked cotton balls up his anus and set them on fire.
kaut kas pervers Wakka Wakka
[User Picture]
Date:April 9th, 2005 - 06:09 pm
taisam augshaa klubinju/komuunu - man tas pac ;)