Out There
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 08:57 am
new place

waky, waky upper-east siders, beach girl here! :)

as the topic says - i have a new place - new apartment-new life :)

of course, moving in last night was fun and hand-full of things to do..and also to fix.. like drawer..which was falling into pieces.. but the good part is that I already know where we keep nails, hammer, screws, glue and things like that, at home :) and yes, i still have all nails and no broken fingers (apart from a super glue here and there) :D:D:D
and as I have my own "rukitis" to help me out (he is adorable) than i feel more safe :) hehe

I feel happy :)

xo xo

Current Mood: happy

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Thursday, November 25th, 2010 11:14 am
big brother

really, osmetimes I feel like I am living in big brother and yesterday was one of those "action" evening which people like - to tell the tales about somebody (and not in the good way)..so yesterday was oner of those "big brother's" episodes.
both of them was extremely friendly to me..so i realized at once that there is soemthing weird going on.. and indeed, later, one was whispering to me that she don' t want to live with somebody crazy like other girl, any more (we have put my room for rent as am moving out next week, so we have a lot of girls coming to check it..)so the 1th one was saying that she don' t want anyoen crazy like her, she want soembody calm and decent - like her...
than later, other one was talking to me (the one who said theat using wrong brand cleaning liqyuid you can get vaginal problems.. :D still funny) saying that the girl who checked apartment tonigh was really cool, but the other flat mate is weird because she dont like her and have problems and bla bla.. also asked me why i am leaving.. weird, weird. i don' t think that she will miss me - riiiight sure she will miss Russian communist neighbour! :D (omg, she still thinks that all Eastern Europe is part of Russia or Russia with different name).. :D:D:D

still thinking for a leaving present to my dear girls! :D

Current Mood: curious

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