Out There - new place
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 08:57 am
new place

waky, waky upper-east siders, beach girl here! :)

as the topic says - i have a new place - new apartment-new life :)

of course, moving in last night was fun and hand-full of things to do..and also to fix.. like drawer..which was falling into pieces.. but the good part is that I already know where we keep nails, hammer, screws, glue and things like that, at home :) and yes, i still have all nails and no broken fingers (apart from a super glue here and there) :D:D:D
and as I have my own "rukitis" to help me out (he is adorable) than i feel more safe :) hehe

I feel happy :)

xo xo

Current Mood: happy

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