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Jun. 30th, 2016 | 10:10 am

Fear in the LGBT community causes gun sales to reach an all time high.

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Comments {3}

from: [info]krishjaanis
date: Jun. 30th, 2016 - 12:01 pm

Starp citu, redzēju to BatuÅ”kas koncertvideo, iespaidÄ«gi, kaut vai vizuālās estētikas ziņā, nemaz nebrÄ«nos, ka vienā koncertā kaut kādi speciāli atnākuÅ”i krievu ortodoksu ekstrēmisti sarÄ«koja kautiņu.

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Ever After

from: [info]bauda
date: Jun. 30th, 2016 - 12:35 pm

Man Ŕķiet, ka viņi lÄ«dz Krievijai tā arÄ« netika, lai gan formāli "izbanoti" (kā daudzkur daudzina) arÄ« nebija

ā€œDear Friends & supporters in Russia, It is with sincere regret that we would like to inform you that we have to cancel both our shows in Moscow. We had all the approvals and "green light" from the Russian Police, immigration control and responsible officials. Unfortunately we received threats from extremists affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church stating that they will beat up and even kill people attending to both shows. Since it's beyond our control and we are not able to assure that the concerts will be 100% safe for both the audience and us we are forced to cancel both of them immediately. Hope you understand. We would like to thank our Russian promoter for his tremendous work & support he gave us. Once again, we truly apologize and hope that some day we will be able to perform on Russian soil. Stay safe! - Š‘ŠŠ¢Š®ŠØŠšŠ"

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from: [info]krishjaanis
date: Jun. 30th, 2016 - 01:00 pm

Tur tā lieta, ka tie krievi viņiem uzbruka kaut kur, ja nemaldos Polijā vai citur A-Eiropā.

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