/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa - February 13th, 2020

February 13th, 2020

February 13th, 2020
12:43 pm


Beidzot saņēmos un noklausījos slaveno Hüsker Dü 'Zen Arcade' ierakstu. Parasti man nepatīk izteikti melodiski vokāli, bet pie šī arī es varētu mierīgi iet vēnaz grieZszt. Spēcīgi.

The band recorded 25 tracks, with all but two songs ("Something I Learned Today" and "Newest Industry") being first takes, in 40 hours. The entire album was then mixed in one 40-hour session; the entire album took 85 hours to record and produce.


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