/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa - July 30th, 2018

July 30th, 2018

July 30th, 2018
11:29 pm


uzzinu pēdējais:
The Russian word for station, Vokzal, derives from Vauxhall station in south London. Eager to learn more about how to introduce rail transport into his vast land, Tsar Nicholas I sent a delegation to Britain in the mid-nineteenth century to study the railway system.

The Russian party travelled on the South Western Railway, and were puzzled by the fact that every train stopped at Vauxhall. The mundane explanation was that the station was the ticket collecting point before trains arrived at Waterloo, where passengers could walk off without a ticket examination. The Russians, however, concluded that Vauxhall was a key transport hub and ushered its name into their language

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