/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa - August 15th, 2017

August 15th, 2017

August 15th, 2017
01:48 am


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03:54 pm


Aktualitātes mūzikā:

Oi Polloi vs. Tommy Weisbecker Haus

‪JUST FOR THE RECORD:- The only time we've ever dressed up in any kind of "costume" was for
This Video. about bees - but anyway we've already posted the original German elsewhere but this is too good not to share with more of you so here's an English translation of the kind of bollocks we frequently have to deal with when sorting out gigs in Germany - welcome to the German punk scene! ;) Enjoi:- "The band regularly appear kilt-clad onstage‬ in the style of a Scottish costume society, have songs in the old Gaelic language in their set & sometimes bring bagpipes to their gigs" ..."oi polloi yearn back to a hallucinatory Gaelic folk-tradition & try to bring their retrograde utopia to the present through costume-cult & Gaelic lessons. An effort that unites them politically with a number of ethnicist groups. Together with right-wing nationalist actors, they supported the separatist "yes" Movement, which was defeated in a Scotland wide referendum in September 2014"…"with its gaelic lyrics & appearances in Scottish costumes, the band tries to to defend its "own culture & language". These they see as at risk in their purity from foreign - ergo bad - influence. On these grounds alone, any appearance by this band should be forbidden in a left-wing bar." 😂

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