/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa - May 8th, 2009
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12:20 am
[Link] | American Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman, 39, was so pleased with becoming the first woman known to have killed an elephant with a bow and arrow that images have been posted on the internet.
She told how after killing the animal at dusk in Africa she left it overnight before returning the next day to check it was dead.
She said she spent eight days on the hunt in Zimbabwe before getting close enough to take a shot.
“It was shot near dark. We went back the next day and found him. I was in the middle of 37 elephants when I took my shot. This was my first bow kill and first woman to take an ele with a bow.”
She added: “It was at 12 yards kneeling.”

daily express