barvins 2005-05-03 19:01

Virsraksts nolaizīts


Tīri fizioloģiski, protams, dusmu laikā ir patīkami. Kad dusmas ir rimušās, saprāts ņem virsroku, un tad var būt viskautkas, sākot ar "morālajām pohām" un beidzot ar lepnumu par savas taisnības aizstāvēšanu.

The Sympathetic Nervous System helps prepare the body for "fight or flight" and create conditions in the tissues for physical activity. It is stimulated by strong emotions such as anger and excitement and will therefore speed up heart rate, increase the activity of sweat glands, adrenal glands, and decrease those of the digestive system. It also produces rapid redistribution of blood between the skin and skeletal muscles.

The Suprarenal or Adrenal Glands.
These are two in number, triangular in shape and yellow in colour. They lie one over each kidney. They are divided like the kidney into two parts -the cortex and the medulla. The cortex is the outer part of the gland and produces a number of hormones called cortico-steroids. Their function is to control sodium and potassium balance, stimulate the storage of glucose and affect or supplement the production of sex hormones. The medulla or inner layer produces adrenaline, a powerful vasoconstrictor. Adrenaline raises vessels and raised the blood sugar by increasing the output of sugar from the liver. The amount of adrenaline secreted is increased considerably by excitement, fear, or anger, which has caused the adrenals sometimes to be referred to as the glands of fright and fight.


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