barvins 2007-01-15 03:16


Mind the Gap
barvins 2007-01-15 13:43


Es baidos no telefona un e-pasta. Ja nekoncentrējos, varu pēkšņi radio vai ielas skaņās atpazīt uzstājīgu sava telefona melodiju. Ja nekoncentrējos, tad acu priekšā uzpeld "Unread mail (27)". Esmu sācis brīvdienās izslēgt telefonu un nepārbaudīt e-pastu. Man bail, ka kādam atkal būs problēma un kāds atkal gribēs, lai es kaut ko izdaru.
Telefons jau nav vainīgs, e-pasts ne tik. Bet tomēr gribas kā vecos labos laikos - nogalināt ziņnesi, ja ziņas ir sliktas. Izmest telefonu pa logu un atinstalēt Autlūku.
barvins 2007-01-15 15:59


"Imagine if we had been getting our information delivered digitally to our screens for the past 400 years. Then some modern Gutenberg had come up with a technology that was able to transfer these words and pictures onto pages that could be delivered to our doorstep, and we could take them to the backyard, the bath, or the bus. We would be thrilled with this technological leap forward, and we would predict that someday it might replace the internet."
- Walter Isaacson