Cik interesanti - izrādās, LGBT kopienā ir grupiņa vīriešu, kuri labprātīgi parakstās uz kastrāciju. Iemesli un motivācijas dažādas, bet, piemēram, šī kunga skaidrojums:
''It's very
difficult to distinguish whether it's a dislike for something or instead
you're working towards something else. I always thought when I was on
the beach—I was also on the swim team—and we had Speedos, it was
difficult to pack everything in frankly. I would be embarrassed and
everybody was looking and here I am and I've got the biggest package and
I'm not the biggest guy and I got a whole lot of looks from everybody. I had a big dick, it got damaged and I was a bottom. I didn't want to
use it, I got pushed into using it, I had to take all sorts of
medications and was tired of being somebody else's tool.(...) In talking to all the guys that I've been talking with, they try to come up with all sorts of different rationalizations to justify it. In my case, my medical situation really didn't justify it because I was just uncomfortable with what I had. It wasn't medically necessary. But I felt that I would be much more comfortable having the issues of having the sensation but not being able to use it well. It was something like a guy having a useless appendage and it's something he has to carry around, and it becomes baggage after a while''.
Hello darkness my old friend - Komentāri
banderlogs (
banderlogs) wrote 17. Septembris 2015, 22:42