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Witch. snake. running

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[Oct. 20th, 2007|11:46 pm]
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«Deux femmes qui s'embrassent me feront toujours penser à deux boxeurs qui se serrent la main.»
[ Sacha Guitry ] - Extrait d’ Elles et toi

Pour se marier, il faut un témoin, comme pour un accident ou un duel.
[Sacha Guitry]
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City of Angels [Apr. 21st, 2007|10:14 pm]
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[mood |skumji laimīgs]

Jā, debesis pār Berlīni man patika vairāk. Vienalga. Īsti labs sestdienas filmvakars.
(Alanis Morissette Undeserved beigās kā punkts uz i)
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[Mar. 24th, 2007|04:19 pm]

Nāve Venēcijā. Beidzot
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[Feb. 6th, 2007|09:27 pm]
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The Corporation (2003)- Directed by Mark Achbar
ieguvusi Best Documentary Genie Award, Winner 26 international awards, Winner 10 international audience choice awards. Ir kritizējama. Bet ir laba. Un, ja patika Naomi Klein No logo, tad patiks.
P.S.Paskatīties visu var šeit: (upd) http://torrentfreak.com/sundance-winner-the-corporation-released-for-free-on-bittorrent/
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