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Witch. snake. running

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snow conditions updated [Jan. 5th, 2009|02:30 pm]
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Laikam temperatùra kàpj. Kùst. Shtruntîgi. Tik lielisks sniegs.
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Parîze zem sniega [Jan. 5th, 2009|10:12 am]
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(c) Nouvelobs.com


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[Jan. 5th, 2009|09:25 am]
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Pie mums snieg. Snieg un nekùst.
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crossposting Murks -> weather forecast :) [Apr. 16th, 2007|11:14 am]


šodien gan ir par karstu )
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[Jan. 18th, 2007|08:46 pm]
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Pēdējās trīsarpus stundas pavadīju vēja gaudu iemidzināta.
Lasu ziņas. Šādu gan viņi no rīta nesolīja:

"The strongest wind gust was reported at Schiphol, where 130kmh was recorded.

A spokesman from KNMI said that type of wind speed was very strong: "That sort of speed does not occur often".

KNMI said the storm could intensify slightly in coming hours. At any rate, the storm will continue to rage across the country into the evening hours."
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[Jan. 18th, 2007|01:21 pm]
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Šimvakaram sola vēju 61 km/h, tagad esot ap 56 km/h.
Ir janvāris, dārzā sākuši ziedēt ķirši.
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[Aug. 11th, 2006|03:23 pm]

Peerkona negaiss. Skan kaa spraadzieni, kas satricina eekas kara laikaa. Interesanti, kaapeec tieshi sheit tie skan tik ljoti liidziigi smagajai artileerijai? LV taa nebija, vismaz ne katrs negaiss lepojaas ar TIK apdullinoshiem skanjas efektiem..
Eh, nespiid braukshana maajaas. Nespiid.
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[Aug. 11th, 2006|01:00 pm]

Veel aizvien liist. Un ir auksts.
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