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Aprīlis 6., 2007

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Life is too fucking complicated to not to drink. Drinking makes life simplier. Also it makes you realise that you are like beatiful snowflake. It`s just cruel daylight and dark lenses you use to see the world through that makes everything the way it is. Don`t feel remorse for me. It`s so much better to be happy drunk than sad and sober.

(4 raksta | ir doma)


Date:6. Aprīlis 2007 - 23:11
zem šī es parakstos
Date:6. Aprīlis 2007 - 23:11
uz arī nokopēju
[User Picture]
Date:6. Aprīlis 2007 - 23:35
atmetot inteliģento bullshitu, tas ir viss kas paliek
[User Picture]
Date:7. Aprīlis 2007 - 00:39
es atļaušos nepiekrist ;)
nu nav tas tā

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