6. Nov 2015|20:57 |
ir teorija par četriem veidiem, kā cilvēki deal with shame/vainas apziņu
Withdrawal Negative (shame, sadness, fear, anxiety). Consciousness of shameful actions, flaws, or features, and discomfort with others. Limit shameful exposure Behavior: Withdraw, hide, avoid others
Attack self (self-directed anger, self-hatred, self-disdain, disgust) consciousness of shameful actions, flaws, or features. take control of shame, directing anger inward Motivation: Being wanted, accepted, and valued by others Behavior: Self-criticism, obey, adopt a submissive behavior
Avoidance (happiness, enthusiasm) Little consciousness of shame, shameful actions, flaws, or features (denial) Distract others and the self from the painful feeling. Reduce the aware experience of shame. Display being above shame Behavior: Denial, emotional distancing, minimization, jokes, sex, addictions, narcissism
Attack other (anger) May or may not have consciousness of shame. Generally is too focused in other's behaviors and/or misbehaviors. Sustain the self-image, direct anger outward, and externalize the shame experience Attack other person or thing. Behavior: Make someone else feel worse, inferior and guilty
so, pētījumi liecina, ka psihopāti izmanto pēdējās divas stratēģijas (un tu vari apskatīties behaviour sadaļā, kā tas izskatās tev). un lielā mērā viņi to dara tāpēc, ka viņu smadzenes tā funkcionē. |