i love you i love you i love you - 15. Septembris 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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15. Septembris 2023

thanks to all the amazing women [15. Sep 2023|07:28]
ja jums vajag ķirurgu, sieviete varētu būt labāka izvēle: doctors in canada and sweden reviewed more than million patient records from two separate medical registers and found that patients seen by female surgeons had significantly better outcomes with fewer problems in the months after the operation. for example, patients treated by male surgeons were 25% more likely to die one year after surgery than those treated by female surgeons.

un, ja jums vajag ārsta konsultāciju un bez-operācijas aprūpi, arī tur sievietēm ir labāki rezultāti: Harvard researchers have found that female doctors who care for elderly hospitalized patients get better results. patients cared for by women were less likely to die or return to the hospital after discharge.

pēdējo 30 gadu laikā veiktie pētījumi konsekventi uzrāda labākus rezultātus sieviešu-ārstu darbam (viņas gan konsekventi saņem par to zemāku atalgojumu). cerams, ar laiku arī vīrieši uzlabos savu sniegumu.

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