victims of disgrace |
6. Dec 2022|23:00 |
žurnālists, kurš kļūdījās, par savu kļūdu: “ukrainians are undoubtedly the first and foremost victims of this war, but the suffering of russians is also important,” said mr. korostelev, who left russia after its invasion of Ukraine. “if they are dying in this war, then they are also its victims. i am a russian citizen working for a russian audience, i will not assume a position that will turn me from a russian journalist into a person who defends the interests of other people.”
tikmēr tvrain jau atzina, ka viņa atlaišana bijusi kļūda, atvainojās un sauc atpakaļ: "natalia sindeeva, the head executive of the exiled russian tv rain network, asked the recently fired host alexey korostelev to re-join the media company. sindeeva apologized to korostelev and said that it was “disgraceful” to fire him for “a mistake”. |