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are we human, or are we microbe? 20. Jul 2022|10:10

rēķinot pēc gēnu apjoma, cilvēks sastāv no ~1% cilvēka gēniem un 99% microbiome (the collective genomes of the microbes composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses).
briefly, for the past 20yrs we've learnt that this collection of bacteria (microbiome) don't just help us digest our food, they are actually integrated into our metabolism, so how many of consumed calories are stored as fat versus burnt is largely dictated by the species of microbes that you harbor in your gut.
microbes in our gut can also dictate how long we have respiratory infection or whether or not we have seasonal allergies.
finally, it appears that microbiome is wired into our central nervous system and there have been connections found between disruptions of the microbiome and diseases such as autism, mood disorders and others.

i think i'm losing myself
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