[info]axa wrote
on August 19th, 2008 at 02:48 pm

wow - didn't know you held such strong feelings on the matter...I wonder why...

no really, I never said I enjoyed the fact that it cried and I got baby food all over myself in the process,
but you know, the whole problem is that you have to see a baby as a human being, just like you, only stuck in a helpless body that they can't control at the moment - they've got the basic brains, its just their bodies that are lacking in skill - same thing goes for old people and cripples
I know I'd cry my head off if I couldn't do anything about my fucking teeth growing out of my skull, not even being able to tell someone its exactly what's bothering me.

Besides, these moments when I have to babysit really let me know that I'm not ready to have a baby of my own yet, cause it is a full time job that needs training beforehand and ongoing courses on how to handle yourself and another human being.
It takes up all your fucking time until the moment it can poop, feed and dress itself.

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