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Monday, September 23rd, 2019

    Time Event
    No komentāriem:
    "Contrary to the delusional rantings of collectivists who blame the free market for all of the problems caused by the ideologies they support, there is only one real negative consequence to the free market: excess prosperity.
    Human beings are not well-built to cope with excess prosperity, as evidenced by the invention of so many first-world problems, microaggressions, and other symptoms of loss of purpose."
    Kāda filozofijas pasniedzēja (USA) novērojumi:

    "[I]t has become quite clear that the students, overwhelmingly, are not doing the reading and that in good part, this is because they are no longer capable of reading these texts on their own. Conversations with students about this suggests that it is due to a number of factors: (a) their high school educations no longer prepare them for extended, difficult reading; (b) they lack the most rudimentary historical knowledge required to situate these texts in the ways necessary for them to make sense; (c) they are incapable of reading older forms of English of the sort that one finds in, say, Hobbes or John Locke."

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