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Friday, July 5th, 2019

    Time Event
    nailed it
    A thesis from J.S. Mill that is criticized by Frege is the claim that the proposition that 1 + 2 = 3 is made true by our experience of finding that a group of objects that looks like OOO can be separated into two groups that look like O and OO. Frege jokes that in that case it is a good thing that all the objects in the world aren’t nailed down, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to separate them and thus it wouldn’t be true that 1 + 2 = 3.
    "Krietnie cilvēki melo pārspīlējot."
    Žozefs de Mestrs
    kamēr mēs šeit tikai čakarējamies (es, piemēram, tikai čakarējos, t.i., urbju proverbiālo plāno galdiņu), tikmēr brāļi čehi un slovāki...

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