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Monday, May 20th, 2019

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    Hamleta pārstāstījumi ir tik mīļi; viens piemērs:

    When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrive, Hamlet greets his "friends" warmly but quickly discerns that they are spies. Hamlet becomes bitter, admitting that he is upset at his situation but refusing to give the true reason why, instead commenting on "what a piece of work" humanity is.
    It's not that students don't "get" Kafka's humor but that we've taught them to see humor as something you get -- the same way we've taught them that a self is something you just have. No wonder they cannot appreciate the really central Kafka joke -- that the horrific struggle to establish a human self results in a self whose humanity is inseparable from that horrific struggle. That our endless and impossible journey toward home is in fact our home. It's hard to put into words up at the blackboard, believe me. You can tell them that maybe it's good they don't "get" Kafka. You can ask them to imagine his art as a kind of door. To envision us readers coming up and pounding on this door, pounding and pounding, not just wanting admission but needing it, we don't know what it is but we can feel it, this total desperation to enter, pounding and pushing and kicking, etc. That, finally, the door opens... and it opens outward: we've been inside what we wanted all along. Das ist komisch.

    David Foster Wallace

    Salīdzinoši nesen bija mazs skandāliņš par to, kā Volless slikti izturējies pret sievietēm (ilgstoši un uzmācīgi vajājis; metis vienai ar kafijas galdiņu; greizsirdības lēkmē iegādājies ieroci ar nolūku nošaut savas mīļākās vīru; vismaz viens gadījuma sakars ar 17 gadu vecu, t.i., nepilngadīgu meiteni). Tagad ir vēl viens neliels skandāliņš par viņa publicistiku (New York Times un tamlīdzīgos izdevumos), kurā esot konstatēti nepārbaudāmi fakti, pārspīlējumi un pat izdomātas detaļas un cilvēkiem piedēvēti izteicieni. Kāds bija paņēmis Vollesa slaveno rakstu par Federera tenisa spēles vērošanu kā par reliģisku pieredzi, rakstu, kurā vairāki simti vārdu veltīti kāda Federera sitiena aprakstam (kur, no kurienes, kādā lēcienā), atradis spēles ierakstu (Vollesa dzīves laikā -- viņš 2008. gadā 46 gadu vecumā pakārās savā garāžā, bet publicistika ir viņa jaunībā -- vēl nebija youtube) un secinājis, ka nav, nu nav tur tāda dievišķā sitiena, kādu Volless apraksta. Mānījās rakstnieks. Izzīda no pirksta.
    #wirklich komisch #getting Kafka

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