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Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

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    Atceroties "I'll teach you differences", -- cik forši būtu uzrakstīt grāmatu, vēl tikai jāizdomā, par ko, kurai kā moto varētu paņemt šo Velbeka citātu no intervijas 1998. gadā: “La vérité est toujours totalitaire dans la mesure où elle affirme que les choses ne relèvent pas de l'opinion.” Aptuveni: "Patiesība ir vienmēr totalitāra tādā nozīmē, ka tā māca, ka lietu daba nav atkarīga no viedokļa."
    No komentāriem (odium philosophicum):

    Picking moral fights often entails costs. For example, resistance fighters against the Nazis routinely got tortured and killed. Therefore, people who fought the Nazis probably thought extra hard before they did so. I am sure that's all very true. These people were scared shitless about being tortured and dying and abandoning their families. And they made the hardest moral decision any human being can make.
    That's what being human entails. But for you to barge in with your juvenile Darwinist cult as an explanation is laughable. To bring in "natural selection's calculus" into any conversation about morality is pathetically stupid.

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